Just an update on Expelled!
Last week I went to a conference on Creationism led by Ken Ham (not to be confused with Kent Hovind who is in jail). Ken Ham is more of a culture combatant rather than a crazy sci-fi guy. Anyway, he talked about this movie quite a bit. One thing he pointed out is that this is NOT a Christian movie. It's made by Ben Stein, who is Jewish and promotes Intelligent Design. ID is NOT a Christian concept. It is a combination of faiths who basically agree that some "intelligent force," not an accident, created the universe. ID is NOT based on the Bible. This is where Creationism would be the scientific/biblical "theory" of choice. However, this is not to say that Expelled! is a bad movie. I will be seeing it. It raises a lot of important questions that combat our culture of anti-Christian and anti-faith scientists. Just keep all this in mind as you watch. ID does not promote our God as the ultimate Creator of the universe. It's almost a half-truth, or really a 1/4-truth. Don't fall into the trap of letting culture dictate what we believe about the Bible.
Friday, February 21, 2025
22 hours ago