Friday, February 29, 2008

Southern Visit

We are back from Kentucky. We had a really good time. It even snowed while we were up there. Josh and I are really excited to get the move on to KY. We were able to check out the tiny apartment we are on the waiting list for. Josh and I are going to try and live on campus for at least the first year. We think there might be cheaper options off campus, but think that the experience and relationships we might make would be worth it. Also, Josh is going for that M.Div, and we found out that I can take classes for 25% of the cost. So, right now you could say we are pondering and praying about me going to seminary too. Obviously I would not be going for the M.Div, but a MASE which is a lot less hours. We figured out that I would just need to take about 5 classes a year to graduate in 4 years, which is probably when Josh will be done (plus or minus). I am really excited about all the opportunities God has for us ahead. I took a few pictures of the campus. The one above is the chapel. If anybody reading this knows of any really good resources for the Louisville area, please comment them. We would love any housing and job resources for that area (in case we don't get the housing we are waiting for especially). Also, any scholarships or financial aid programs. Thanks so much. We will continue to keep you posted.


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