I am so excited about being able to take the next step in this journey called life. As most of you read earlier, we are on our way to seminary, FINALLY! Most of you who know me know that I am a huge organizer freak. So, after the news, I was downstairs yesterday all day in what we like to call Dean and Judy's warehouse, where all our stuff is. Going through tons of boxes and pretty much reorganizing and repacking what we will be able to take with us. We are so excited that God has given us every desire of our heart in this move, the 2 bedroom. The 1 bedroom was 800 sq feet, so now we have 1000 sq feet. Crazy right. How am I going to fit our life into that little of a space, especially after living in our 4 bedroom, 4 bath townhouse for the past 2 years. So, we have a lot of stuff to leave behind I guess you could say. I had a lot of fun yesterday though going through all the boxes. I am still not done, but a lot of it I have to wait for Josh to go through together.
That takes me on to another subject. I am thankful for my husband and his desire to be involved in things like decorating and kitchen stuff. I know many husbands don't care much about that kind of thing, which if fine and ok for them. I am glad that I have someone who has fun with that kind of thing.
As of right now my to do list is pretty long, and you know I have one for real. I hope to be crossing things off one by one as the day gets closer. One thing on the list that we can't wait for is IKEA! This is where I need reader participation. I know there are bunches of you out there who never comment. I really need your help. Any helps that you have with living small and organized please leave me a comment. I am like a sponge when it comes to that kind of information.
Friday, February 21, 2025
1 day ago
My tip is general- use the height of your place. Tall bookshelves, dressers and what not. A lot of furniture is low and wide- the opposite of what small spaces need. IKEA is good at using height well.
Those little risers that make your bed higher are neat, too. That way you can fit more under there in storage bins or whatever.
Ooh yeah, I did that in college...I had these concrete blocks that I wrapped in fabric that was similar to my bed clothes and we put my bed up on blocks. It was kind of high for me, but I could fit rubbermaid containers of any size under there. And, my bed wasn't really unsteady because those blocks were so big and heavy.
I would also peruse the Container Store to get ideas. You could probably buy a lot of stuff elsewhere, but all that stuff is in one place there.
I'll let you know if I think of anything else.
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