I don't really know how to start this post off, but it is all about joy and praise. God has been so nurturing to me in the past months that it is starting to overflow. I am more blessed than I can imagine right now. We absolutely love the church we are attending and serving at, Crossing Church. We are about to become official members too. I love the season God has us in here at Southern Seminary. Everyday we can't help but know we are in God's will for our lives, and that is an intoxicating feeling like no other. My husband has been absolutely amazing beyond description these past months. I have been a roller coaster of sick and wellness. He has grown in patience and taken care of me so tenderly.
Now everything in our lives isn't exactly peachy, don't get me wrong. I have a healthy dose of family issues and we are scratching our heads on how life is going to work when baby SJ comes, but in all things we are to praise. All the blessings supersede the junk.
Josh just recently got me a new CD. Well, I should say it found its way into his bag of books from school (no worries, he didn't steal it). He has been wanting it pretty bad, and how it goes in our house is when he gets a CD he puts it on his IPOD and then it goes in my car and I get to enjoy. So, inadvertently I got a new CD. Anyways, it is the new Jeremy Camp CD, Speaking Louder Than Before. AMAZING!! Can't help but listen to it over and over again. There is so much truth in his lyrics. As I drive to and from work, or running errands, the lyrics have really spurred on worship in the mundane rituals of life. God is so good, and it is so important for us to seek him out. It is amazing to be chosen as one of his children.
Friday, February 21, 2025
1 day ago
Baby SJ?
SJ=stringer junior
Shana, so good to hear about your walk with Jesus! How are you feeling these days?... had any morning sickness? I pray you are feeling good and that the Lord continues to put things in your life that keep you at the feet of Jesus!... such a good place you're in right now! It's an encouragement to me (and I'm sure many others) to read your blog!
Love ya, sista! Peace to you
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