Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bristol Palin

I love how Bristol Palin speaks for all teenagers. She seems to think that sexual abstinence is unrealistic for teenagers. Easy for her to say after she's already put herself in front of the world as a pregnant teenager. Dr. Mohler sums this up nicely in his blog today. Here's an excerpt:

"Is sexual abstinence realistic for teenagers and young adults? Well, abstinence is certainly not realistic when teenagers put themselves or are put into a situation where sexual activity is likely. At some point, sexual abstinence becomes very unrealistic indeed.

The real issue for Christian teenagers and their parents is not to debate whether sexual abstinence before marriage is realistic or not. The larger and more important issue is that sexual abstinence until marriage is the biblical expectation and command. Once this is realized, the responsibility of all concerned is to ensure that expectations and structures are in place so that abstinence is realistic."

For the rest of the article click here.


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