This is Truett and I walking down Hillcrest the day before Halloween. You can see Zoe down there too. Josh had never gotten to see it all decked out in their Halloween garb. They are pretty crazy about their Halloween decorations. Well anyways, this is me in my Mobe type wrap. It isn't exactly a Mobe, but it is just like one. This one is from Target. It is one of my favorite things. Seriously!! After finally getting the hang of it watching tons of youtube video on how to use it, it seriously is one of my favorite baby gifts. I never leave home with out it, no joke. It is always in my diaper bag. Since it is just 5 yards of material it fits nicely in my bag. Truett takes at least one nap in it a day about. He likes it a ton, sometimes when he is really cranky/tired I can put him in it and he goes right to sleep. Not to mention he takes way better naps when I wear him in it. As you can see here he is fast asleep.
love it!!! So cute!!!
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