Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Shana's Update: Fixing my prior post.

Ok so after I posted my prior post, I was informed that it was all over the place. To quote my husband, "it was as if I vomited on the blog." OOPS! I really do wish I was a really good writer like some of my friends. You can read my friends blog, The Godshalls (on the right column), she is a good writer. I apologize for making a mess on the blog.

To clarify a few things: 1)it isn't a bad thing Truett sleeps in his bed, he just doesn't sleep well in his car seat anymore. He likes to roll all over to get comfortable. So, I can't go out to the grocery store and whatever errands I need to do and be out forever because he needs to take a good nap at home 2) I know it probably didn't make sense to say his sleeping was getting messed up and then say it was getting some consistency. I know that sounds confusing, but in the chaos he is getting some rhythm.

I didn't talk much about SWI Saturday, and I feel bad. It was just so good I have a hard time putting into words, see I am not a writer. Dr. Mohler's class was seriously so good, I am still pondering what he said. I don't know if you have ever heard someone teach out of scripture and it be so clear and thought out and well just right. Seriously, it was really good. I haven't been a Dr. Mohler fan really until now. Not that I didn't like him before, I was just impartial I think. But now I am a fan.

I also went to a homeschooling seminar that was really good. I will be honest I really had no desire to homeschool, but Josh has always said "when we homeschool." I always look at him with a look like you have a mouse in your pocket. I know that we would mean me. Anyways, I think I am opening up to it more and more. I think we'll still weight some factors of where ever we live and whatever schools are available to us then. I think the big pro I liked was the freedom and flexibility of your family. You aren't bound by school hours and days. You have the freedom to pick up and do whatever where ever you want. I have a friend that home schools her kids (they have 7, going on 8) and they went on a RV trip across the united states and taught along the way. Talk about a cool, interactive classroom. I know there are pros to the other type of school. For example, my kids initials are TD, what does that stand for TOUCHDOWN. Of course I would love it if my kid chose to play football, but probably only going to happen if he goes to school. Anyways, lots of things to think about. I guess every stage of our children's lives we'll be weighing pros and cons for what we will do.

We all do what we think is best for our kids, even though that looks different from family to family. We shouldn't condemn our brothers and sisters in Christ for doing something different. In the words of a good friend, "we are all sinners, and therefore all doing it wrong" (not sure if she would like me to mention her name here so I won't). I have constantly kept that nugget of truth at the forefront of my mind. Not as an excuse, but to remind myself when others do things differently. It is just like Theology, we have Armenian christians and Reformed christians. That doesn't mean either are lost whoever you disagree with. That is kind of how I look at parenting styles. Well, I will step off that soap box for now. (more vomit I guess)

Well I hope I didn't vomit again in this post. I guess if I keep this up, I will have to have my posts proofread before posting.


Marcy said...

You are so funny. When I first read the part about Truett sleeping best in his own bed I was a bit confused, but I worked it out.

Scott said...

I'm pretty sure that (at least in GA) Truett can still play sports for the school district that you live in, even if they are home schooled... It might be a little weird for him, but I'm pretty sure its still legal. You've got a long way to go before that happens, though...

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