Friday, August 13, 2010

New Blog Series... maybe.

It's been quite a while since I've blogged about much of anything. That's a testimony to a busy summer. But, summer is pretty much over - at least on the calendar its over, someone forgot to tell the thermostat. School starts on Tuesday (my final first day of school - only 2 semesters left).

Anyway, one of the classes I'm taking is called "Typical Problems in Biblical Counseling." I'm very excited about this class taught by Dr. Stuart Scott (not Booyah from Sportscenter). I've gotten ahead on my reading for the class and have finished "Living the Cross Centered Life" by C.J. Mahaney and "When People are Big and God is Small" by Ed Welch. Both books were excellent and worth your time. I wish I had blogged about them. The book I just started for the class is "Trusting God - Even When Life Hurts" by Jerry Bridges. Some of you may have read it before, its pretty popular...and pretty amazing so far.

I'm going to try to blog about each chapter. Even though I'm already three chapters in, I think I'll give it a shot. So stay tuned.

*I'm sure Shana will be posting soon about our trip to GA and Truett's B-day party.*


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