After talking to a few women that I have the utmost respect and brushing up on my Dr. Sears books, Josh and I decided to take a new approach as of yesterday. We are going to feed him every 2 to 2 1/2 hours and try to do so on both sides for at least 15 minutes (if he goes longer great). Before I was waiting for him to tell me he was hungry or if he got fussy the only thing sometimes that would soothe him was my boob. That lead us to feedings that were either every hour or up to 4 hours, way hectic. Now if he is sleeping I am waking him up to feed. Well, yesterday it went great until night time. We are also going to try a night routine, which includes a bath at night to get him geared up (or down I should say) to go to sleep. Normally feeding puts Truett to sleep, but the past few nights that hasn't gone well and it seems the common denominator of those nights was I was trying to withhold my boob until a certain time to feed him. Tonight I think if he gets fussy again I am just going to go ahead and give it to him.
Thanks to all who shared their advise, one and off the blog. I really hope this doesn't get as controversial as the birthing experience was.
On another note. I have to say that I absolutely love cloth diapering. Josh and I went out to lunch today, don't get excited it was typical McDonald's lunch. Here is some back story first - This morning I was really behind in washing diapers and had one left. So, I scrambled to get a cover out of the wash so that I had some to go out to meet Josh. While out I told him about that. He said don't you have some disposables still. I realized I have become a diaper snob. I don't like disposables. Every time I use them they leak and I end up changing his clothes on top of everything else. I love love love my cloth diapers. Even more I have to say that I love cloth wipes. I am always bummed when I am out and have to use the disposables wipes because they are no way as good as the cloth wipes I use from my wiper warmer at home. I know there is a system I can figure out to take my wipes portable. I need to look into it asap. Although I am pretty sure they won't be warm like my ones in my diaper warmer.
Now for what ya'll have probably been looking for. Pictures of my adorable son!!!
This is today's shot. Mrs. Karen Cassidy just sent this in the mail. Josh loves it, so do I.
These were from yesterday. I really liked his facial expressions in this one. This was one of my favorite outfits he got as a shower gift. I believe it was from Ms. Wilda.
Shana, the nursing routine you described is what I do, as well. I make sure to nurse every 2 - 2.5 hours, but I will also offer the breast for fussiness in between those times. So its sort of "on demand" but also structured so that I can be a bit more organized. It works well for us.
Glad to hear cloth diapering is going so well! Is he fitting into the bumGenius? A good way to make cloth wipes portable is to get a mini wet bag. They're waterproof, so you can pre-moisten your wipes, put them in the wet bag and toss the wet bag into your diaper bag. When you get home, just put the unused wet wipes into your wipe warmer. (Don't forget and leave them in the wet bag, especially in a hot car - that's a good way to grow mold and ruin nice cloth wipes, ask me how I know ;-) )
On Becoming Babywise by Gary Ezzo is a good resource book for parent-directed feeding. It's not feeding on-demand nor hyperscheduling. It also gets him ready for the time when you want him to sleep more at night. I'm glad you love the cloth diapers.
The Baby Whisperer is a great book, too. Like the one Meggan noted, it's about parent-directed routines, not unflexible schedules nor everything on baby's time. I think that what you guys have decided to do for Truett's routine is great. Controversial? I didn't know about any controversy! :) Truett was entrusted to you and Josh by design.
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