Truett grows bigger and bigger everyday it seems. We went to the doctor twice this week. Once for his tests for the reflux stuff and his 1 month wellness visit. We have good news to report that he doesn't have the reflux. At his 1 month checkup he weighed 10 lbs 14.8 oz and he was 22 1/4 inches long. He is in the 75th percentile for both of those. So far he seems to be living up to his name sake.
I love watching Josh with Truett. He came home from work today and spent time with Truett in the bedroom on the bed. They laid with each other. I was in the kitchen listening through the baby monitor as I made dinner. It was so sweet and special. It is something to see your manly man go to goo goo ga ga with a his own baby with all the silly faces. It is really sweet, I love it.
Here is a picture from today. We have been testing the waters with Zoe, and she is a champ. We had a really good feeling that she was going to do great with Truett, and so far she is proving that to be true. Dr. Corba suggested that Truett start tummy time when he was awake so we did this a few times today. I put him on the floor on a blanket and sat next to him. Well, this time Zoe came to inspect. She really loves to lick his feet. Which to us is a good thing, she does that to us all the time. She just wanted to be next to us so she layed down. Not sure what Truett thinks yet since his facial expressions aren't controlled just yet. We think Zoe loves him though and understands he is important to us. I will feed Truett on the floor sometimes and lay Truett on her and she doesn't even flinch, we are super glad to see her response the way it is. Too sad about Bogie though. We are to scared to even try to test the waters because of his past. Still don't have a home for him, any takers?
Shana you are doing SO great! I too had wonderous, June Cleaver like aspirations to be super mom, (happy & clean baby, clean house, laundry done, dinner on the table, etc.) but I've come to a can't be done, or at least not by me. Babies definitely need you more often the younger they are. After a while Truett be interested in toys and you can let him play while getting a few things done. At our point of 18 months (where did the time go?), Maddy is in to EVERYTHING. The toys are dragged out and put up every day (sometimes multiple times a day b/c I can't stand them being everywhere). I have to keep a close eye on her so she doesn't eat a scrabble game tile or unroll an entire roll of toilet paper. I still have a hard time on certain days getting 'anything' done. Anything being a relative term b/c I actually do get things done it's just not my super high expectations of myself. I tend to think if I can't get everything done that nothing has been accomplished. Crazy I know. Maddy also wants me to play with her a lot now, which leaves even less time to do chores. So from one 'trying to figure out this thing as I go' mom to another, you are doing wonderfully! You'll figure out a schedule that works for a while, then shift to new ones when Truett grows. Love you and can't wait to see you in a few weeks!
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