I haven't really updated about life in general lately. I've kind of been in a cave. No posting except for theology and politics. No videos (there won't be any soon either - no time - but I have a good idea for one at the end of the semester). Here's a little update though...
This is turning out to be a very rewarding semester. It's really hard, but stuff that is really challenging and life changing... more on that someday.
We're leading a small group at church for teenagers. Its awesome. All of the students are there because they want to be. They want to know more about God. Its cool. Some of them simply want to know the meaning of sin and how to be saved. Others want to know what double predestination is all about (I don't believe in that, but it got brought up one week - not by me). We meet again tomorrow night, so if you think about it pray for our students. Some don't know Jesus - but I think they're close.
My wife is awesome. If you haven't been reading her posts you should. She's funny and totally growing in the Lord. If you missed her post on Chic-Fil-A scroll down and go to "older posts" and find it. Very funny.
I'm listening to The Fray right now. Thanks to George for the hook-up. Its a live version. As I'm listening I'm hearing a lot of people singing EVERY word loudly. I've never understood this. When I go to a concert I go to hear the band - not to out-sing them. I sing during the parts when they point the microphone to the crowd because I'm easily swayed by microphones. But I like to hear the band - so I don't really sing at concerts. I love and appreciate good live music.
We're joining Crossing this Sunday. Dustin (our pastor) calls it "getting memberized." Funny.
Me and John the Canadian went biking today. It got up to 60 degrees I think. Its the warmest day we've had since last November. The trail we went on was in good shape but its changed a lot since the ice storm. There's a massive jurassic-park style tree that's down way back in the woods. Its amazing. I'll try to get a picture. It was great to be outside and not freezing. It was also good to be outside and be active. I'm not in as bad of shape as I thought, but I'm not where I was just before Louisville turned into the Tundra.
I fell on the trail. Shana got me clipless pedals and shoes for Christmas and today was the first day I got to try them out. I had practiced some in the parking lot, but the trail was the big test. It was pretty muddy and I did well until the end. It was a pretty technical downhill part and I tried to avoid a root and lost it. I imagine it was pretty funny. I like the shoes.
Man, this is a long post. I'm going home (to GA) next weekend. We're on a "wedding shower circuit" for Andy and Caitlin. I'm pretty pumped. I'm really proud my brother is marrying Caitlin. It will be cool having her in the family.
Ok - I think that's all for now. Oh wait - I think I'll post some prayer requests. Is that ok? Will you pray for me? I hope you will. Ok, here's some: Pray that I won't be lazy. Pray that the Lord will save my boss at work. He needs Jesus. I'm really looking for a chance to share the gospel with him. His name is Jeff. Pray for our lost students at church. Pray for my wife and my child. Shana's experiencing "growing pains."
The End.
Friday, February 21, 2025
1 day ago
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