Shana is sick with a cough and cold. Keeps us both up during the night. My head is filled with random thoughts - here goes in no particular order.
1. Madonna is trying to adopt another kid and there's a problem with that? Really? I'm not saying she's going to raise her child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, but she's going to give that kid a good home, education, and some food in a non-Aids infested environment (maybe some other STD's, but its not Africa). Seeing the amount of genius parents who are allowed to have kids in this country, who cares if she gets another one? Maybe there's something I'm missing, but if she's using the proper adoption methods then what's the big deal? If Octo-mom can have 291 kids, why can't Madonna have one more?
2. (I know that there are at least 2 UK fans who read this blog and the following may or may not apply to them) The University of Kentucky is about to get John Calipari as its head men's basketball coach. I understand that UK fans are excited. I would be too. However, captian John said to his players that UK is like the Notre Dame of college basketball. After thinking about it I agree with him. Both are legendary in their respective sports (UK - basketball; ND - football). Both have had a history of amazing coaches. Both are in decline in their sports (ND more so than UK). Both have fans who don't have anything else besides these schools and talk about how good they used to be and fantacize about how good they will be "next year." Maybe UK and ND will be great again in football and basketball, but all I'm saying is that why would John C. leave Memphis to go to UK? That's like Urban Meyer leaving Florida to go coach Notre Dame. Makes no sense to me. But if I was a UK fan I'd be counting my lucky charms that they suckered him to come straighten out that train wreck. (And by lucky charms of course I mean God's sovereignty - didn't want to step out of line with my SBTS bretheren - kidding!) This is why I'm a Georgia Tech fan...we putt along for several years under the radar then BAMM - a Final Four. Then we retreat back into mediocrity certain to resurface within a decade. Next year is our year...wait...didn't I just say....
3. I'm on Spring Break. Actually its Spring Reading Days. And for the next 3 days when I'm off work, that's exactly what it will be.
4. We have cable TV now - for free from the school. Its good. Mostly. Except that I don't have a channel guide in hand. We have the scrolling one on channel 2 but its slow and sometimes stops working.
5. We're going to start a vegetable container garden on the little landing of our steps leading up to the apartment. Neither of us have any experience in this. HELP!!! Really. Do any of you have any tips? We know that we want tomatoes and have figured out that. We're doing some herbs, which we did last year. But we'd like to add some other veggies - cucumbers, peppers (bell and/or jalepenos), and maybe some other stuff. TIPS please (or books).
6. I got a grill! Wahoo! An early birthday present - super early. Since the baby is going to be born roughly between our anniversary and my birthday I am assured to never have any sort of birthday again. Which is fine with me - now that I'm 30 its not that big of a deal. Anyway, a guy (Mike) a few units down got an outdoor electric grill. It cooks just like a gas grill - not like a George Foreman. Not that Foreman's are bad, but this baby tastes like a grill. They're kind of expensive, but Shana found one on Craigs List still in the box for less than half of the retail price. The outlook for the summer just improved. (Not that it was bad or anything - I mean my wife will bear my seed this summer - pretty sweet. (that was a very overly-manly-13th century-sort-of-way to say "have a our kid")).
7. Going biking with John and George here in about an hour. I bet George is blogging right now. hmmm..
8. The End.
Friday, February 21, 2025
1 day ago
2. The reason John chooses UK (if he does). Money. Conference USA. History. Conference USA. Spotlight. Hatred of Pitino. Conference USA. Its Memphis. Respect. Conference USA.
there is a reason that Memphis counter-offered and he turned it down saying "this is about more than money." I think the thinking behind it is that if you have a chance to be THE GUY at a place like KENTUCKY then you take it. I'm not sure the comparison to Meyer leaving florida for Notre Dame really fits. Both of those schools have a pretty rich football heritage. Memphis hasn't been relevant in basketball nearly as long as Florida has been in football.
Notre Dame football and Kentucky baskebtall are only comparable regarding historic tradition. That's it. The last 15 years look drastically different between the two. 1996, 1997, 1998 were in the National Title Game. We are two free throws away from a three peat. 2005 UK is a REBOUND away from a Final Four. 2003, UK runs into Dwayne Wade in the Regional Final, or else we're in the Final Four. We have won 20 games almost EVERY YEAR. Notre Dame hasn't even been relevant outside the Brady Quinn years during that time. So the comparison doesn't really work.
Why would Calipari leave? Easy, the same reason Charlie Weiss leaves the NFL and the PATRIOTS to come to Notre Dame: everybody wants to be a legend. You can't be a legend at Memphis. You just can't. You can have all the big time recruits you want and ESPN, CBS all shut you out from January to March because your conference sucks and they know you'll win by 20 each game.
At Kentucky, you're on TV almost every week (now with the ESPN contract it's almost guaranteed). You have boosters that are almost unprecedented (yes, that means above Florida, Texas and Ohio State) in their ability to give whatever they need to give to make things right.
Calipari wants to be a legend. He wants to have his name enshrined with the best coaches of all time. Guess where they all coached? AT BIG TIME PROGRAMS. For every Billy Donovan and Coach K there are 10 coaches that leave their smaller school they've built into a consistent winner to take the big time jobs.
Also, Urban Meyer left a Utah program he built into a National Powerhouse...for a BIG TIME program in Florida. Sounds more LIKE John Calipari than NOT like him.
I love UK fans.
Wow. That was totally random. I will tell you that 2 years ago, I went out before Easter while it was warming up (I know, pretty dumb move) and purchased a bunch of vegetable plants. I accidentally ended up with a jalapeno plant that had been misplaced with the cucumber and I didn't want to take it back. Well, there was a bad frost right around Easter and everything died except for a tomato plant that didnt really do much and that jalapeno plant. We really don't eat jalapenos, so we were giving them away by the bag full all summer. I think we used like 2 of them.
Someone told me that they are hard to kill. So, maybe you should try those.
Good luck.
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