Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

My Birthday
Today is my birthday and it was a good one. It was sad to be far away from family and friends, but my friends and family really made me feel special today. I thought I would let ya'll know how my birthday went today. I woke up this morning and made myself one of my favorite breakfast items, hashbrown casserole. I went on to work for my temporary assignment, I was supposed to have an interview at 3 for a new job. Well, I got a call around 10:30 from a gentleman that I had been interviewing with earlier that week and the week before. He had called to offer me the position I was looking for. It was a huge birthday present from the Lord. He really looked out for us with the provision and benefits of this job. I start tomorrow. Well, I then came home early because my temp position didn't need me anymore. Which it was super awesome that I came home early because shortly after, the door bell rang and I had an awesome pitcher of daises delivered to my to door. I have never had flowers delivered to me before. It was awesome, and the flowers could not have been any more awesome. Below is a picture. OO and the flowers were sent to me from Lauren and Zach. Thanks guys it was super sweet of you.

After they came I went outside to walk the dogs and met up with a new friend from downstairs. We attempted to go up to the pool on campus but found out that it was closed due to the fact a kid had thrown up in it earlier today, total bummer. O well. So, then I come home and Josh is now home. He had gone to Fresh Market to finalize and establish job stuff, and to get some stuff to make me a birthday dinner. He had brought me home a surprise birthday gift too. He got me a bike. It is so cute and so nice. We went for a little bike ride tonight to break it in. Here are some pictures of that too. Isn't it pretty it is pink and grey. I have never had a pretty bike like this before.

Well, to top it all off, Josh made an amazing, as always, dinner. It was Filet Mignon with goat cheese and a sweet balsamic vinaigrette sauce with a side of vanilla bean mashed sweet potatoes. It was an amazing dinner. Most of you know how awesome of a cook my husband is. Well, for dessert he made some really awesome brownies from scratch with peanut butter, caramel, and marshmallows. It was really awesome. We invited our new friends from below to join us for dessert. We had a good time chatting and playing around.

So, all in all I have had a really good day. I felt special on my birthday. I am not always a fan of getting presents and celebrating not on the day unless time and circumstances don't allow it. and you have already celebrated. I guess as I get older things change and there are no big birthday parties every year with tons of friends. Not that I had that every year as a kid growing up, but I think the kid in all of us really likes to celebrate birthdays with a bang. Maybe I am alone in this thought, or maybe I am not old enought yet to think I don't want people to know how old I am.

Who knows, but all I can say is that I am 28 today. I feel like I am finally growing into the woman I am supposed to be and really getting to know who I am and how I tick. I feel like I am finally getting to a point in my life where my self esteem is high and I appreciate myself for who I am. I feel like God has gifted me with a good head on my shoulders and I am amazed at the things he has allowed me to accomplish so far in my life. God has made me into the woman I am today, and he has a plan for all the flaws and crazies I have been through. I am still excited about this journey that I am on with my savior. So far, this pit stop in Louisville is one heck of a ride of seeing His mercy and glory at work in our lives.

Thank you Lord for a great day today. I am blessed!


The Shadburn Family said...

You ARE special! We love you...

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