House Update
Well, she didn't place an offer. She placed an offer on a house across the street. Josh and I are bummed. I can't help but feel a little ticked at my realtor. Do ya'll think the mess with her could have influenced the other realtor to pursuade his client to the other property? Even beyond that, I am noticing that she doesn't do to much to sell our house. Anybody who has come to look at it has found it off MLS or some other listing service. I want to fire her and hire a discount realtor. Now that I look back they suckered us into signing our contract on their first meeting. I am really down about it. Pray for us because the farther and farther we get towards the holiday the more and more less likely our house will sell in time for seminary, based on satistics. If we don't sell, then that would mean we won't leave in January.
I'm so sorry - God has a will and purpose for this whole situation. When you leave, when Josh starts school, and who is to live in your house.
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