Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Person of Faith?

With the DNC if full swing and the RNC coming soon to a TV near you, one of the buzz phrases, again, is "people of faith." Each party wants to reach "people of faith." I realize that this is a PC phrase that has been used for years to include all faiths in order not to offend (which is the point of being PC). However, I find this phrase ridiculous and tiresome. Everyone has "faith" in something. Even atheists. When you so over genearlize this word - faith - in the end it means nothing. As a person of biblical Christian faith, I will be lumped in with millions of other people of "faiths" because of the dumbing down of the word. As Christians we should not - and cannot - allow society to conform us to their definition and summary of the word faith. We are not to be conformed to this world and simply blend in (Romans 12:2). We ARE to be conformed to the person and likeness of Christ (Romans 8:29) according to God's will and purpose. To be simply called a person of faith means nothing. For me to be called a person of faith in Jesus or a person of biblical Christian faith means everything.

Because we have allowed ourselves to be classified by society instead of making our own distinction, here's a summary of what Daniel Dennett (world renowned athiest and bestselling author of Darwin's Dangerous Idea) says about Christians:
"Instead of believing in God, they believe in belief. In other words, they have a functional understanding of religion. They really are not claiming cognitively to believe in God because if they really believed in God they would live differently than they do."

This is why it is dangerous to allow ourselves to be called "a person of faith." When your political party makes its call for you (hopefully a person of true Christian faith) to vote for their candidate, make them reach out to you as a Bible-believing person of faith in the One True God - the God who sent His Son Jesus save us from the wrath of God brought on from our sin. Be a person who believes in the God of the Bible. Don't be ashamed (Romans 1:16). Don't be a person of an abstract politically correct idea - "faith."


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