Friday, August 22, 2008

Visit from Dean and Judy

It has been over a week and I have desperately needed to make this post.

Dean and Judy came to visit and we had a lot of fun and took some really awesome pictures. We realized we had some more room in our itty bitty apartment, so we gave them a list of things to bring us back. It wasn't exactly how we intended the trip to go, we were planning on going home to get the stuff, but being the awesome people Dean and Judy are they said they wanted to bring us our stuff. Needless to say, we had a really great time. We drove around Louisville a bit looking at different parks and getting to know the area a bit more, had a birthday party at the park for Josh, we went to the Louisville Slugger Museum, ate at the Cheesecake Factory for Josh's birthday and kind of our anniversary, ate at a really cool restaurant called Lynn's Paradise Cafe, and ate some Greaters Ice Cream. I don't know how to make those words themselves links and just by putting the link on here it doens't become a link, well at least not for me today, so sorry. They have cool sites. Lynn's Paradise Cafe was on Bobby Flay's Throwdown show for breakfast. That is what we went there for. O MY GOODNESS!! It was AMAZING!! So amazing Dean said we will have to come back here next time. I ditto that one. Greaters is really awesome too, and not to mention the most expensive ice cream I have ever had. Not kidding it is $13 a 1/2 gallon. That is just crazy talk. Also, while Dean and Judy were here we had a little birthday celebration for Josh at the park. We invited some new friends we have made here from downstairs (seriously they live directly below us)and we grilled out at the park. It was a lot of fun.

P.S. The picture of the couple with the baby are some of our new friends here. This is Jason and Rachel Jones, they live directly underneath us.

P.S.S. I really am starting not to like this blog. I know it is free, but the formating stuff doens't seem to ever be consistent. For example, I had to leave my photos at the top of this one and couldn't put them dispursed through my post. UGG!


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