Its 56 degrees outside, cloudy, and very windy. I just finished my Greek mid-term. Here's stuff that's way better than that news:
Got his tie on for church:
Bogie still needs a home! Trend setter - "The Pointed Hoodie" Laughing again. With the pointed hoodie:
All the babies from our Bradley Class Reunion:
Lunch on Sunday. Yum. Slow roasted Sirloin Tri-Tip, homemade BBQ sauce, sauteed onions, on a bed of cole slaw with a ciabatta roll. I've found that cole slaw is best on a BBQ sandwich. It takes the place of the lettuce and mayo. Try it! My babe and baby after a bath:
He is absolutely adorable. This is his new play spot when mommy has to be on the computer. He is growing so fast that now he is starting to entertain himself. Obviously mommy is helping a little in this video.
...this is my TV schedule for Sunday. That's right boys and girls, the Falcons are on local Kentucky TV this Sunday. Versus the Patriots no less. What a game. Now, the Patriots could wake up and realize they are the Patriots and hang 40 on the Falcons secondary that has more holes in it than the road I take to get to work. But, I think it will be a good game and I'll be happy if the Falcons keep it close. I actually do think they have a shot to win, but I'm just glad I get to watch the game.
Ok, so I have 6 pounds to go to be at my pre-pregnancy weight, and this makes no sense to me. I tried on a pair of pre-pregnancy pants the other day and there was like 3 inches until the zipper would match up all the way. I was like that is strange. I think 6 pounds shouldn't be that many inches between my zipper. I didn't think my hips got wider, could they have? To all you moms out there who know what I am talking about or can enlighten me please do. What is going on with my body.
Not to mention, the skin in my thighs has gone back to normal (I know I blogged about that while I was pregnant), but my arms YUCK! For like a week and a half after Truett was born my skin was so soft all over and now my biceps feel like sandpaper and my face skin texture is a little rugged too.
Again, I ask please enlighten me to what is going on with my body.
Since the last camera we had smashed on the floor of the delivery room we've been wanting to get a new camera. All of the pictures that you've seen since Truett's birth have been taken with my dad's camera. He let us borrow it until we go home in a few weeks. We have been researching what kind of camera to get. We really wanted a digital SLR but they are way out of our price range. So we got this. Its the newest Canon Powershot. The SX20si. Its really nice. It takes great pictures and has a lot of usable features. The selling point for me was that it takes HD Video. It also has a 20x optical zoom. So, thanks to those of you who gave us some extra cash in the baby gifts and for my birthday. It went to the new camera. Here's an example of the zoom...
So everyday I feel like I am learning something new at this parenting gig every day. I have to say that I love it. I love being a stay-at-home, full-time mom. Although I will say I had high hopes for keeping my house perfect and there are some afternoons where I look around and go, "man I haven't had time to do anything." I have to say huge thank yous to Jennifer Jordan. She has kept her phone by her side as I call her all the time with new questions as to what to do.
Truett grows bigger and bigger everyday it seems. We went to the doctor twice this week. Once for his tests for the reflux stuff and his 1 month wellness visit. We have good news to report that he doesn't have the reflux. At his 1 month checkup he weighed 10 lbs 14.8 oz and he was 22 1/4 inches long. He is in the 75th percentile for both of those. So far he seems to be living up to his name sake.
I love watching Josh with Truett. He came home from work today and spent time with Truett in the bedroom on the bed. They laid with each other. I was in the kitchen listening through the baby monitor as I made dinner. It was so sweet and special. It is something to see your manly man go to goo goo ga ga with a his own baby with all the silly faces. It is really sweet, I love it.
Here is a picture from today. We have been testing the waters with Zoe, and she is a champ. We had a really good feeling that she was going to do great with Truett, and so far she is proving that to be true. Dr. Corba suggested that Truett start tummy time when he was awake so we did this a few times today. I put him on the floor on a blanket and sat next to him. Well, this time Zoe came to inspect. She really loves to lick his feet. Which to us is a good thing, she does that to us all the time. She just wanted to be next to us so she layed down. Not sure what Truett thinks yet since his facial expressions aren't controlled just yet. We think Zoe loves him though and understands he is important to us. I will feed Truett on the floor sometimes and lay Truett on her and she doesn't even flinch, we are super glad to see her response the way it is. Too sad about Bogie though. We are to scared to even try to test the waters because of his past. Still don't have a home for him, any takers?
Rudeness. Its the big buzz on all the major web-news sites today. This coming two days after Kanye West "rudely" (and drunkenly) interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the MTV Video Music Awards. This is funny all on its own because MTV still has the VMA's when we all know that MTV hasn't played an actual music video in forever. But I digress. Kayne's outburst comes only a day after Serena Williams f-bombed and threatened a line judge with a tennis ball at the U.S. Open (not making the news - Roger Federer did the same thing yesterday). Serena's outburst comes only days after Joe Wilson called President Obama a liar during his health care speech. Whether Beyonce deserved the award over Taylor (who cares?) or whether Serena actually committed a fault during the tennis match or whether Obama is a liar or not is beside the point (all parties have issued apologies by the way, as if that means they won't do it again). The question being raised today by many media outlets is, "Are we becoming less civil as a nation?" or as puts it, "Is RUDE the new Norm?"
I don't know how each of these news outlets will answer the question (a poll shows that 90% of 124,944 online voters think that society is becoming less civil), but I have my own thoughts regarding our nation's rudeness and civility. I'll give three of them...
1. One reason that we are a "ruder" nation (or as I call it, "French") is that the definition of tolerance has changed so much in our post-modern culture that no one knows who will be offended and who will be considered rude. I was amazed that some people actually thought Perez Hilton was "out of line" when he blasted Carrie Prejean for speaking against gay marriage. However, many people supported Hilton as well. I imagine there are some people who think that Joe Wilson was a hero for yelling out "You Lie!" Others think he should be fired. The problem is that the line for rudeness and acceptability is so blurred that it depends entirely on the people involved and which news organization is covering the outburst....which brings me to my next point....
2. Generation Me. This is what many are calling the newest generation. We have become a nation of spoiled narcissists who think that we can do whatever we, want whenever we want, at whatever the cost. This, according to the study linked above, is the most self absorbed generation in history. Everything screams "me." Everything is individualized, personalized, and is catered to you the consumer. There is no "making due." If it doesn't work to fit what you desire don't worry, there's a new one coming out next week to meet all your needs. This over indulgence on self breeds extreme lack of social skills which breeds rudeness. Remember when your parents told you to share? Remember when your parents taught you how to act when you go to someone else's house? To be kind. To know when to say please, thank you, yes ma'am, and yes sir. Why should anyone have to say those things when we don't interact with anyone. We just point, click, type, post, shop, play, watch, and listen to everything...usually online. We all have "personal computers" and "i"pods. So why not be rude? You're just another person who, in 5 minutes, I won't remember anyway because I'll be back in my world.
3. The final contributing factor to our rudeness is the decline in family. Here I see two main factors in the family that have paved the way. The first is what I alluded to previously. Parents don't parent. For a variety of reasons parents have abdicated their roles and are passive friends to their kids who want their babies to feel like kings and queens. Parents don't correct for fear of losing their kids, making them mad, or hurting their self-esteem. Also, parents themselves are entirely narcissistic and put themselves above their children so parenting is a terrible burden rather than a burden of blessing. The other main family factor is the absent father syndrome that plagues our country. When the father is gone the mom has to work. When both of these things happen authority is gone. When authority goes society goes. 70% of African American children are born without fathers in the picture. I don't know the number for others but with the divorce rate remaining at 50% the number is bad. And, if the dad is physically at home he is checked out and somewhere else mentally and emotionally. Last Sunday at church I was carrying Truett into church in our Ergo baby carrier. My pastor made the comment, "Its so good to see dad carrying the baby." I've been a dad for about 10 minutes and I feel that burden but I also feel the selfishness tearing at me.
The reason we are a rude nation is because we are a selfish nation. Selfishness is the root of all sin. It started in the garden when Adam and Eve said to God "We don't need you. We can be just like you" (my paraphrase). It continues today. The glorified celebrities in this country aren't the problem (although they certainly don't help), our envy of such people with such stuff is our problem. WE WANT to be like them. WE HAVE A RIGHT to be just like them. Whether we admit it or not its the way we are. Its the American Dream. Just today at lunch I said to Shana, "I can't wait till we have more money so we can buy better food." Really. I said that. Right after I heard this message in chapel. I am a greedy sinner who battles the American Dream of wanting more and better stuff rather than submitting to God's plan for my life. How do I know its sin? Its not a sin to want things right? Right. I'll conclude with this. Its a sin if you sin to get it, and if you sin when you don't get it. I sinned because I don't have it. Which means I'm not ready to have it and don't need it. This is why Lordship salvation is so important and why the garbage of the prosperity gospel (Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar, TBN, etc...) is heresy. "God wants YOU to experience YOUR best life now." Just have faith and YOUR territory will increase and all YOUR desires will be met. Just say this little prayer and Jesus will make YOUR life better. Just say you're sorry for those little mistakes that you've made along the way and...well, I think I'll stop now.
Today was just a normal day at the Fresh Market in Louisville. I was set up out on the grocery floor doing a cut-to-order demonstration for New York Strip steaks. It was the middle of the afternoon and business was slowing down. I looked up to see a man and his wife coming in the store. He was dressed in a Nike sweat suit and had big sunglasses on . And he was kind of tall for an older guy. He was tightly holding on to the grocery cart to keep his balance and moved pretty slowly. His wife was wearing a bright yellow "Livestrong" t-shirt and sweat pant capris. Nothing new for the Fresh Market. Just an older couple doing some shopping. Except when he got closer I thought..."nah, couldn't be." I looked a little closer and tried not to stare but he was one baaaaad man. Beneath the semi-frail frame and the shaking due to parkinson's it was the greatest of all time. It was Muhammad Ali.
I had one of those moments when you are instantly transported to the feeling of being a 10 year old. I really wanted to speak to him but he wasn't there to get meat. I was already on the selling floor so it would have been easy to go up to him...he was literally just a few feet in front of me totally minding his own business. However, it was clear that he was having a hard time and wasn't feeling well. If I had gone to him it would have been very awkward. You kind of got the idea that "this just wasn't a good time" and I needed to respect that. In fact, he started shaking a lot more and his wife took him out to the car and came back in to finish shopping.
Even though he looked more like this picture below rather than the picture at the top, it was still Muhammad Ali. The Greatest of All Time. The champ. The Louisville Lip. He's one of those guys that no matter where he goes in the world he'll be recognized. He's considered one of the greatest sports icons in history. Michael Jordan, Babe Ruth, Jackie Robinson.... Muhammad Ali. We get celebrities in on occasion. Papa John. Ex-Kentucky players. Rick Pitino. In Atlanta it was Braves and Falcons players. Whitney Houston. Other famous people. But not Muhammad Ali. Not even close. I try not to be awestruck by celebrities. They're just people. But do I wish I had gone up to him to shake his hand or get his autograph? A little. But it wasn't the right time. He was getting roast beef from the deli. Don't interrupt a man from his beef.
Thanks for all the encouraging responses to my prior post. I have to clarify though. Truett is by no way near sleeping through the night. He still wakes every 2 1/2 to 4 hours to feed. That is why I feel like I have to sleep longer to recoup the time being up feeding. I should also say that I don't necessarily feel like I am in any hurry to get him to sleep through the night either. I really enjoy that time of feeding. My favorite one is probably the last one of the night/first in the morning. He is so adorable to watch and so peaceful.
After talking to a few women that I have the utmost respect and brushing up on my Dr. Sears books, Josh and I decided to take a new approach as of yesterday. We are going to feed him every 2 to 2 1/2 hours and try to do so on both sides for at least 15 minutes (if he goes longer great). Before I was waiting for him to tell me he was hungry or if he got fussy the only thing sometimes that would soothe him was my boob. That lead us to feedings that were either every hour or up to 4 hours, way hectic. Now if he is sleeping I am waking him up to feed. Well, yesterday it went great until night time. We are also going to try a night routine, which includes a bath at night to get him geared up (or down I should say) to go to sleep. Normally feeding puts Truett to sleep, but the past few nights that hasn't gone well and it seems the common denominator of those nights was I was trying to withhold my boob until a certain time to feed him. Tonight I think if he gets fussy again I am just going to go ahead and give it to him.
Thanks to all who shared their advise, one and off the blog. I really hope this doesn't get as controversial as the birthing experience was.
On another note. I have to say that I absolutely love cloth diapering. Josh and I went out to lunch today, don't get excited it was typical McDonald's lunch. Here is some back story first - This morning I was really behind in washing diapers and had one left. So, I scrambled to get a cover out of the wash so that I had some to go out to meet Josh. While out I told him about that. He said don't you have some disposables still. I realized I have become a diaper snob. I don't like disposables. Every time I use them they leak and I end up changing his clothes on top of everything else. I love love love my cloth diapers. Even more I have to say that I love cloth wipes. I am always bummed when I am out and have to use the disposables wipes because they are no way as good as the cloth wipes I use from my wiper warmer at home. I know there is a system I can figure out to take my wipes portable. I need to look into it asap. Although I am pretty sure they won't be warm like my ones in my diaper warmer.
Now for what ya'll have probably been looking for. Pictures of my adorable son!!!
This is today's shot. Mrs. Karen Cassidy just sent this in the mail. Josh loves it, so do I.
These were from yesterday. I really liked his facial expressions in this one. This was one of my favorite outfits he got as a shower gift. I believe it was from Ms. Wilda.
Heidi was just here for about 10 days. She took really good care of us. She took the puppies on lots of really long walks in the park, cleaned lots of dirty diapers, cleaned the bathrooms, vacuumed, kept the kitchen clean, only to name a few things. What a trooper. We really enjoyed having all the help.
This week our church, Crossing, is bringing us meals everyday for dinner. Next week some of our friends and neighbors not affiliated with Crossing are bringing us meals. We are so thankful and grateful for all the help and provision. We really can't help but give praise to the Lord for all that he has provided for us even with a simple dinner.
So we are now trying to figure this all out on our own. I am getting lots of sleep. Truett is doing great. I feel like I am getting all the rest I need. Although I go to bed at 10 and get up between 7 and 8 depending on Truett's next feeding. I really wish I could get up earlier, but then that means way less sleep for me. This is why I wish I could get up earlier, I feel like by the time I get up get ready for the day get Truett ready for the day the morning is already gone and there are so many other things that I wanted to accomplish. Any tipsters out there, please I will take all the info I can get my hands on. I pride myself on being good with time management, but I feel a little stumped with this one.
Well, gotta run so that I can be more productive. Really want to get a walk in today with the pups.
So I am super saddened to have to deliver this news, but we need to find a new home for Bogie. He is a really great dog, but his behavioral problems still exist. He's not crazy or anything he's just a bit territorial and isn't good with small children (but great with everyone else). Now that we are parents our emotions have obviously changed over the matter. If anybody would like him please email us or comment here. We'll give him away with all his stuff for free to a really good home. He is kennel trained, house broken (rings a bell to let you know he needs to go outside), definitely an indoor dog, obedience trained, etc. He would be great for a home that doesn't have small children. He barely sheds. He is 25 pounds and has lots of energy. He needs a home that would take him on a walk probably everyday, or give him some form of good exercise (he's great at fetch and loves to run). He is extremely smart and loves to be given a job to do. He also needs an owner who can command the house and isn't a pushover. He'll probably be a little disoriented and depressed in a new place so he'll need your attention, love, and instruction!
If anybody is interested in the Atlanta area we will be that way the first week of October and would be happy to deliver him to you then. Please spread the word. We would really like to find the best home for him.
(P.S. - we are keeping Zoe just FYI)
(P.S.S. - I can't believe we're posting this. So sad. But its the right decision)
This week Josh took us to the park for him to study. It was a beautiful day to be outside. Heidi was there with us, she took the dogs for major walk around Cherokee park.
Hello blog world. I love playing around with graphic design. For those of you who remember I started college as an art major and still play around with it on occasion when I need to get my creative jones fix. I downloaded the free 30-day trial of Photoshop to use with the new pictures of Truett. I did the new "About Us" on the side bar of this page and this picture that I'm using for my wallpaper that is supposed to look like a water color book/picture of Truett and Shana:
Anyway, my trial is up in 10 days and I'm looking for a copy of Photoshop on the cheap. I don't mean a bootleg version but maybe an older version that is compatible with a mac. Any leads you could pass on to me would be simply fantastic. Thanks.
I'm not much for being a guy who calls for a boycott (ie, Disney), but this is getting pretty darn close. I mean I'm always on a personal boycott of Pepsi, but that's because its such an incredibly inferior product to Coca-Cola. But when it comes to something like this, however, I'll certainly think twice before my next dip into Phish Food or Chunky Monkey. Maybe you will too.
We went to Graeter's last night and it was good. It makes the Ben and Jerry's thing much more bearable.
I love being a dad. Even if my son only sleeps, eats, and poops (a lot), its still great. My favorite thing so far is taking him when he's fussy (which isn't often) and rocking him to sleep. Watching him go from screaming baby to sleeping baby in a matter of minutes is priceless.