Wednesday, March 3, 2010


A couple of days ago I made a post about Phrases that I don't like. Here's another one:

7. Unpack. "Let me unpack this." "Hang on, we'll unpack this verse in a second." Initially I liked it. I get the metaphor. I think its a good one. However, what pastor doesn't use this phrase these days? Nearly every podcast I listen to and pastor that I've heard in the past year has used this phrase...most of the time its used repeatedly. There's only so much unpacking that you can do before you have to put away the stuff you unpack. Let's stop unpacking and start storing it in a usable place on the shelf.


Andy said...

hmm... interesting thoughts. I have not used unpack... yet, but yes have heard it all over.

How about we "lean" into this discussion a little more :)

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