Saturday, March 27, 2010


Nothing is pressing but I thought I'd just blog for a bit and see what comes out....buckle up.

1. The Mighty Kentucky Wildcats just went down to West Virginia. UK played like a bunch of freshmen (which they are and accentuates the need for at least some maturity and experience on ANY sports team). They played a very sloppy second half with poor defense and even worse shooting. I don't dislike UK per se, but I'm glad they lost. Why? Because just when I thought there was nothing more irritating than a UGA football fan, I moved to Kentucky into the Big Blue Nation. I have some good friends here who are die hard Kentucky fans and I consider them only mildly passionate compared to some of the other yahoos around these parts. Do I care that UK lost? Not really. But now I don't have to hear about the amazing John Wall and man-child DeMarcus Cousins anymore (and they're both really really good, kidding aside), blah-be-de-blah.

1b. I did, however, hear a good U of L / UK joke today. "How can you tell its spring? The Cardinals are sitting on the fence watching the Cats play." Ha! See, the Cardinals are U of L and they got sent home early and the Cats are from UK and they....well, its not as funny when you have to explain the joke. *note the intentional non-funny explanation of the joke to make the drawn out explanation of the joke enhance the funniness of the joke* What?

2. I think Duke will win it all representing the mostly disrespected ACC and restoring order to the over-hyped Big East basketball universe. *side note* *I clearly am unable to make accurate predictions regarding NCAA basketball 2010. See my bracket for evidence.*

3. Spring is finally here (weather wise). That means busy days at the Fresh Market. I like the pressure of a busy day. Since we don't pre-cut our meat and only cut on demand, the days when we have a lot of demand (like today), are really fun. When I actually know what I'm doing and have confidence I think I thrive under pressure.

4. Tomorrow we're taking our students to Winter Jam '10. Its funny that Winter Jam will happen the day after it was 70 degrees outside. It should be a good show. Third Day (who needs to return to their rock-n-roll roots), NewSong, Newsboys, and Tenth Avenue North are the main bands. I'm really glad to see Tenth Avenue North. I've been streaming them from their myspace page for a few weeks. They're good. Check them out.

5. I just mapped out my last year of seminary. I have this coming summer (two classes). Next fall (3 classes). Next winter (maybe one class). Next spring (3 classes). Graduation in May 2011. It seems rather surreal that I'm going to be finished with a 3 year degree in 3 years. If you know my undergrad story you'll understand why this is amazing. It takes a lot of guys 4 to 5 years (or more) to get their M.Div sometimes. I am thankful that I front-loaded my time here so I don't have to take as many classes at the end. I can work more and spend more time with the family. Its also crazy that very soon (this summer) I'll be getting my resume together. I'll blog more about my plans for that sometime soon since many people have asked. However, as Shana and I seek more clarity about post-seminary plans, please pray for us that we would have wisdom. Big decisions ahead.

6. I took a mild break from P90x this week due to a really busy schedule. I will resume next week with intentionality. It should be noted that every time, and I mean EVERY time I finish Plyometrics I have really bad thoughts about Tony Horton. Usually these thoughts have to do with the devil and his demons doing this workout in hell and Tony over on the side laughing asking if they want some water. Or oxygen. I probably need some help with that.

7. If you couldn't tell from the video of Truett crawling I'm a giant goober of a dad.... and I really love it.

8. I'm writing a paper for Hermeneutics. Its on Romans 11 and the future of Israel. If any of you out there know what that means and have any insight for me please glean it my way. I need some gleaning.


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